装配有螺纹接头用于柱色谱的色谱柱, Column for flash-chromatography assembly with threaded joints
装有球接头用于柱色谱的色谱柱, Columns for flash-chromatography assemblies with ball joints
ST/NS 螺纹接头的溶剂贮存器, Solvent reservoir for threaded ST/NS joints
Ace chromatography column
Ace 色谱柱
Bottom-drip adapter for large columns
Michel-Miller adjustable bed height column
Michel-Miller 床高可调色谱柱
Rectangular TLC developing tanks, complete
矩形 TLC 展开罐,完整
带球形接头的溶剂贮存器, Solvent reservoir with ball joints
Poly(ethylene glycol)