Supeltex® M-4 Capillary Ferrule, Long Design
TDS3TM Storage Container
TDS3TM 存储容器
TitanTM C18 UHPLC 色谱柱,1.9 um, TitanTM C18 UHPLC Column, 1.9 micron
真空连接头, vacuum adapter
Vial crimp seals, BiMetal (magnetic), 20 mm, with PTFE/silicone septa, pkg 100
双金属(磁性)20mm 钳口密封盖样品瓶,带有聚四氟乙烯/硅胶隔垫
Vials, crimp top, serum bottle
Vials, screw top with phenolic open-top cap, pre-assembled
螺纹口透明玻璃样品瓶(仅样品瓶), Vials, screw top, clear glass (vial only)
VOST Stack Sampling Tube
VOST 堆叠采样管
预组装广口螺纹口样品瓶,带聚丙烯瓶盖(10-425 螺纹), Vials, screw top with black polypropylene hole cap (10-425 thread), large opening, pre-assembled
铁AAS标准液, Iron Standard for AAS
铅ICP标准液, Lead Standard for ICP
硼AAS标准液, Boron Standard for AAS
含F254指示剂TLC板, TLC Glass Plates