气相色谱玻璃空柱,Varian® 3000,4000,6000,VistaTM,FID,进样器 A 至检测器 A, Empty Glass GC Column, for Varian® 3000, 4000, 6000, and VistaTM (FID, Inj. A to Det. A, On-Column)
带 PE 筛板的聚丙烯固相萃取空管,20μm 孔隙度, Empty polypropylene SPE Tube with PE frits, 20 μm porosity
固相萃取储液器, Empty SPE Tube (no frits)
Escherichia coli WDCM 00013 VitroidsTM
Ferrous Iron in Water-WP
平底烧瓶, Flat Bottom Flask
无筛板吹扫取样器玻璃器具, Fritless Purge Sampler Glassware
带熔融石英内衬的不锈钢管, Fused Silica-Lined Stainless Steel Tubing
Gas Line Filter
玻璃填充 GC 色谱柱(适用于Agilent,配置“A”), Glass Packed GC Column (fits Agilent, Configuration "A")
Glass Transfer Tube with Bend
葡萄糖标准液,用于离子色谱分析, Glucose standard for IC
纯化器管, High Capacity Gas Purifier, Replacement Converter Tube
HPTLC Silica gel 60 F254 with concentrating zone 20 x 2.5 cm
HPTLC Silica gel F254