Cyanide Test Refill pack
Iron Test Refill pack
Silicate (Silicic Acid) Test Refill pack
Hamilton® needles for LT and TLL syringes
用于 Luer 针头和带 TLL 锁定器进样针的 Hamilton® 针头
薄层板负载纳米硅胶, Nano Silica Gel on TLC Plates
尼古丁溶液 溶液, Nicotine solution
Chromatography funnel
Cuvette rack
EZSafe® flash-chromatography column with reservoir
带贮存器的 EZSafe® 层析色谱柱
Hand-operated aluminum cap crimper
Michel-Miller chromatography column
Michel-Miller 色谱柱
含F254指示剂TLC板, TLC Glass Plates
VICI Pressure--Lok® C-160 liquid microsyringe
VICI Pressure--Lok® C-160 液体微量注射器
铝制多平板支架, Aluminum multi-plate racks