Tenax® TA
Tenax® TA / Carboxen® 1018
Vials for Waters® 96-position carousel, 8 x 40 mm
用于 Waters 96 孔转盘的 8×40mm 样品瓶
Vials, screw top with polypropylene open-top cap, pre-assembled, pkg of 100
螺纹口样品瓶,棕色玻璃(仅样品瓶), Vials, screw top, amber glass (vial only)
VisiprepTM 固相萃取装置流量控制阀杆备件, VisiprepTM Manifold Replacement Flow Control Valve Stem
0.6L Tedlar® PLV Gas Sampling Bag w/Thermogreen® LB-2 Septa
Tedlar® 气体采样袋
带 0.3mL 小体积内衬管的 ABC VialTM, ABC VialTM, 0.3 mL LVITM, 9 mm thread, Pk/100
Ascentis® C18 HPLC Column
Ascentis ® C18 HPLC 色谱柱
Ascentis ® C18 HPLC 色谱柱, Ascentis® C18 HPLC Column