痕量金属1-WP, Trace Metals 1-WP
痕量金属3-WS, Trace Metals 3-WS
TSKgel® UP-SW2000 DC Guard Column for 4.6mm ID Column
未经过处理的熔融石英管, Untreated Fused Silica Tubing
用于 Waters 96 孔转盘的 8×40mm 样品瓶, Vials for Waters® 96-position carousel, 8 x 40 mm
预组装广口螺纹口样品瓶,带聚丙烯瓶盖(10-425 螺纹), Vials, screw top with black polypropylene hole cap (10-425 thread), large opening, pre-assembled
螺纹盖样品瓶,带铝衬垫实心瓶盖,预组装,100个装, Vials, screw top with solid cap with aluminum liner, preassembled, pkg of 100
螺纹口透明玻璃样品瓶, Vials, screw top, clear glass
Vials, screw top, graduated, open-top cap, preassembled
Vials, screw top, graduated, solid cap, preassembled
VisiprepTM Large Volume Sampler
VisiprepTM 大容量采样器
VisiprepTM 固相萃取装置流量控制阀, VisiprepTM Manifold Flow Control Valve