未经过处理的熔融石英管, Untreated Fused Silica Tubing
用于 Waters 96 孔转盘的 8×40mm 样品瓶, Vials for Waters® 96-position carousel, 8 x 40 mm
预组装广口螺纹口样品瓶,带聚丙烯瓶盖(10-425 螺纹), Vials, screw top with black polypropylene hole cap (10-425 thread), large opening, pre-assembled
螺纹盖样品瓶,带铝衬垫实心瓶盖,预组装,100个装, Vials, screw top with solid cap with aluminum liner, preassembled, pkg of 100
螺纹口透明玻璃样品瓶, Vials, screw top, clear glass
Vials, screw top, graduated, open-top cap, preassembled
Vials, screw top, graduated, solid cap, preassembled
VisiprepTM Large Volume Sampler
VisiprepTM 大容量采样器
VisiprepTM 固相萃取装置流量控制阀, VisiprepTM Manifold Flow Control Valve
VisiprepTM 固相萃取装置溶剂导向针套件, VisiprepTM SPE Manifold Replacement Solvent Guide Needles
Work Station, nine-drawer
零体积异径接头 1/16 至 1/8 外部, Zero Volume Reducer 1/16 to 1/8 External