痕量金属-ICP样品2, Trace Metals-ICP Sample 2
TSKgel® UP-SW2000 HPLC Column
Universal (short thread) autosampler microvial
未经过处理的熔融石英管, Untreated Fused Silica Tubing
UV 254-WS
Vials, crimp top
Vials, screw top with polypropylene solid cap with PTFE liner, preassembled
螺纹口样品瓶,棕色玻璃(仅样品瓶), Vials, screw top, amber glass (vial only)
1.5mL 螺纹口透明玻璃样品瓶, Vials, screw top, clear glass, 1.5 mL
Vials, screw top, graduated, open-top cap, preassembled
经硅烷化处理螺纹口样品瓶, Vials, screw top, silane-treated
VisiprepTM 固相萃取装置收集架(包括在标准和 DL 型号中), VisiprepTM Manifold Collection Rack (included with standard and DL models)
VisiprepTM 固相萃取装置收集板(除非另外注明,否则已包括在标准和 DL 型号中), VisiprepTM Manifold Plate (included with standard and DL models unless otherwise noted)
WatercolTM 1910 Intuvo Capillary GC Column